The 9 Best After School Programs in South Dakota!
After school programs are an essential facet of every community. For working families, it can be imperative that their children have a safe and welcoming place to go after the dismissal bell rings. And for children, there’s nothing more valuable than receiving an educationally enriching experience outside of the classroom. For a positive experience for both children and parents alike, here are the 9 best after school programs in South Dakota.
Club For Boys After School Program, Rapid City, SD
The Club For Boys is an unbeatable program for Rapid City boys and their families. The club works to provide a safe and fun environment where boys can work on developing their study skills, physical fitness, and personal health. There are many programs offered by the club, with something to fit every boy’s schedule and needs, but one of their most valuable programs is their after school program. It is very affordable but enrollment is limited to boys from the ages of six to 17 and is limited to Rapid Valley Elementary, Robbinsdale Elementary, and Valley View Elementary.
Red Cloud High School After School Program, Pine Ridge, SD
Students at Red Cloud High School don’t stop learning, even after the dismissal bell rings! Students can stay after school in the school’s acclaimed after school program which includes so many activities with something to fit everyone’s needs. Students can study and get tutoring, do yoga, play video games, receive help with college prep, play hacky sack, learn Japanese or Lakota, play chess, learn arts and crafts, or fine tune their archery skills. The after school program runs every Monday through Thursday during the school year and is a favorite of both students, teachers, and parents.
Y-Club After School Program, Sioux Falls, SD
This Y-Club After School Program is based out of Sioux Falls, but they serve students and their families from all over southeastern South Dakota. The program’s mission isn’t just to provide a place after school where children can relax until parents pick them up, but instead works to help the children develop their mind, body, and spirit. The program varies based on the needs of the community, but the activities are enriching and educational. For more information, contact the Sioux Falls YMCA.
Fit-N-Fun, Rapid City, SD
Fit-N-Fun is a childcare center in Rapid City that focuses on helping children learn new things and be active. One of their excellent programs is their after school program. During the regular school days, snow days, and early dismissal days, child care providers can pick up and drop off kids from Rapid City area schools. Between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m., children get exercise time and “gym days,” snacks after homework is finished, homework help for those who’re struggling, and fun clubs and activities that promote learning and health.
BHSSC Rapid Discovery Centers Program, Rapid City, SD
The BHSSC (Black Hills Special Services Cooperative) Rapid Discovery Centers offers affordable and fun childcare, in which students get the chance to work on arts and crafts, improve their academic performance, and participate in fun activities. The center has reasonable rates and, additionally, their policy is to never turn away a family due to inability to pay those rates. Transportation is only provided to Knollwood students.
LSS (Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota) After-School Program, Sioux Falls, SD
The Lutheran Social Services works to help their community, and one way they do so is by offering affordable and high quality after school child care. Open to all elementary school children, this program masterfully combines both academic, cultural, and recreational activities, so children will always be learning but never bored. It is open for children in kindergarten through fifth grade, available Monday through Friday from the time of school dismissal to 6 p.m. Transportation is provided to Sioux Falls students from the following schools: Sonia Sotomayor, Terry Redlin, John Harris, Rosa Parks, Harvey Dunn, Robert Frost, and Cleveland.
Our Lady Of Lourdes Elementary School After School Program, Pine Ridge, SD
Pine Ridge students at the Our Lady Of Lourdes Elementary School have a great opportunity for enrichment and further learning through their amazing after school program. Students can work on homework while getting tutoring from teachers and other mentors. The school claims that the after school program is largely responsible the area’s drastic improvement in high school graduates who head towards college. The improvement was 19 to 91 percent, so clearly this after school program is doing something right!
Ellsworth Youth Center, Box Elder, SD
Military families have enough to worry about without tacking on expensive or low quality childcare. The program is open to eligible children from nine to twelve years of age. Children can participate in daily activities that promote education, life skills, sports, art, and career development.
Youth and Family Services “Girls Inc.,” Rapid City, SD
The Youth and Family Services is an invaluable center for Rapid City families, but the Girls Inc program is one of their best! Girls Inc is open to girls aged six to seventeen. The program helps these girls develop life skills, life planning, careers, health, sports, community action, and cultural awareness. It only costs $50 per year and is open during the school year on Monday through Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.