Annual Blue Ridge Fall Festival and BBQ Cook-Off
Saturday, October 19, 2024 at 10:00am
Annual Blue Ridge Fall Festival and BBQ Cook-Off
Shannondale Springs Road in Harpers Ferry WV
Welcome to the official web page for the 4th Annual Blue Ridge Fall Festival and BBQ cook-off.
Shotgun Highway will be playing from 2-4 pm
This will be a Family oriented Fall Celebration event:
Family friendly Fall Festival with Crafters, Food Vendors, Face Painting, Live Music, Moon Bounce and so much more.
Amateur barbeque cooking competition in 4 categories: Appetizer/Sides; Chicken Thighs; Pork Ribs; Pork Shoulder/Pork ****:
A pie competition and Pie auction. Judges will be local community members.
Schedule of events:
3:00 am: Competition cooking begins
7:30 am: Vendor set up begins
10:00 am: Gates open to the public and vendor sales begin
10:00 am - 1:30 pm: Pie Turn In
11:00 am - 5:30 pm: Vendor Sales, activities, music etc.
12:00 pm: Appetizer/Sides Turn In
1:00 pm: Chicken Turn In
2:00 pm: Ribs Turn In
3:00 pm: Pork Turn In
4:00 pm: Awards ceremony
4:30 pm: Pie Auction
4:30 pm: Vendors shut down, pack up and exit
7:00 pm: All vendors and competitors should be off the property