Wisconsin Science Festival - Space-Themed StoryWalk
Monday, October 14, 2024 from 09:30am to 03:30pm
Wisconsin Science Festival
W.J. Niederkorn Library
316 West Grand Avenue
All ages are invited to take a stroll down Grand Ave, around the W.J. Niederkorn Library, for a Space-Themed StoryWalk®. The featured story of our Space-Themed StoryWalk® is There Was a Black Hole that Swallowed the Universe written by Chris Ferrie, illustrated by Susan Batori. This special space-themed StoryWalk® will include QR codes linking directly to video clips and websites for further exploration.
What is a StoryWalk? This Space-Themed StoryWalk® is an early literacy activity, which also promotes physical activity, where successive pages of a children’s story are mounted to yard signs and placed upon a walking path (the sidewalk in front of the W.J. Niederkorn Library).