St. Mary's Best Fest 5k Run/Walk
Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 09:00am
Columbia County Fair Grounds
405 Superior Street
Welcome to St. Mary's Best Fest annual 5k Walk/Run Race! This year we are excited to invite you out to the Columbia County Fairgrounds, for a morning of fun, fitness, and community.
The event will take place on Saturday, May 18th. This year we are offering two great race options. The first is our traditional 5k which runners and walkers of all abilities and levels are invited to join. We will also be hosting a kid's FUN RUN inviting kids of ALL ages to participate! The Kid's Fun Run will happen all within the confines of the fairgrounds for safety purposes. All participants who register in time will receive a tshirt. Kids will receive a special swag bag!
Start time of the 5k will be 9am. Kid's FUN Run starts at 10am. Awards will be at 10:30am.
We encourage everyone to bring their families and friends to cheer them on and join in the fun. Following the awards, Best Fest promises great music, food, carnival rides, games, and more! Enjoy a day out with your loved ones.
Click Here for Registration: