Krueger Pines State Natural Area
Krueger Pines features an old-growth northern dry-mesic forest dominated by an even-aged stand of white pine, some as large as two feet in diameter. Red pine is also present along with paper birch, big-tooth aspen, white oak, and black oak. Beaked hazelnut, American hazelnut, downy arrowwood, and blackberries comprise the brushy understory. Characteristic groundlayer species are large-leaved aster, wild sarsaparilla, Canada mayflower, American starflower, partridgeberry, shin-leaf, and bracken fern. Canopy birds include eastern wood pewee, red-breasted nuthatch, brown creeper, red-eyed vireo, blackburnian and pine warblers, and scarlet tanager. The site was historically an old council or gathering area for Chippewa Indians. Krueger Pines is owned by the DNR and was designated a State Natural Area in 1953.