Enchant Christmas
Monday, December 23, 2024 from 04:30pm to 10:30pm
Enchant Christmas
T-Mobile Park
1250 1st Avenue South
Enchant Christmas is the award-winning and story-propelled holiday light maze experience featuring stunning, custom-designed and larger-than-life light sculptures, unique ice skating experiences, and countless other festive attractions.
Wander the maze, glide along the ice skating trail, savor seasonal food and drink, visit Santa and Mrs. Claus, and take in a bird’s-eye view of the dazzling lights from the Ferris Wheel. At Enchant Christmas, magical holiday memories are made.
- Light Maze
- Ice Skating
- Santa and Mrs. Claus
- Nightly Caroling
- Mainstage Entertainment
- Shopping Village
- Seasonal Food & Drink
- Children’s Play Place
Santa's Magic Timepiece:
Journey into the heart of a magical holiday tale at Enchant Christmas, home of the World’s Largest Christmas Light Maze experience. Set against the backdrop of a captivating original story, Santa’s Magic Timepiece, your adventure leads you through 80,000 square feet of breathtaking light sculptures as you search for the missing fragments of Santa’s Magic Timepiece, the key ingredient to Santa’s magical journey around the earth visiting each and every household.
High on a shelf, in the corner of Santa’s workshop, sits a magnificent piece of magic — a clock-like device, made from fragments of eight brilliant stars from all across the night sky. It’s been with Santa since the very first Christmas, and allows him to control the passing of time in order to deliver gifts to children all around the world.
That device, of course, is Santa’s Magic Timepiece.
One cold, December evening, Humphrey the Head Elf paced back and forth, wishing for just a little while longer to finish making all the toys… children around the world had been so good that it was getting hard to keep up. It was then that Humphrey spotted Santa’s Magic Timepiece, sitting on its shelf, high above the workshop. If he could get his hands on it, he knew he could stretch out time just enough to finish every last toy.
Without a second thought, he reached up on his tippy-toes to grab it… when the Timepiece fell, shattering on the ground, and sending the eight star fragments scattering far and wide, all across the world.
Please Help find The Eight star Fragments to fix the timepiece and save Christmas.
This was the last gear Santa needed, but it's important because it keeps the whole device running.
Maze Hint: Look beyond the giant tree to find a magic star, or three.
Some stars in the Orion constellation are 100,000 times brighter than our sun, so it does provide some pretty magical energy.
Maze Hint: Look for the giant windmill, to give your passport another inky fill.
From 2.5 million light years away it’s the most precious gear in Santa’s Timepiece as it was the longest trip he took.
Maze Hint: Keep your eyes open for the large chandelier and the rotating lantern and you’re sure to find Polaris and Sirius.
This gear allows Santa to easily find those on the nice list who are sailing the oceans on Christmas Day.
Maze Hint: Don’t stray too far and you’ll find Polaris.
The bright light from this magic star gear helps Santa find his way through homes on pitch dark winter nights.
Maze Hint: Look for the light of the glowing dome, and you’ll find the Andromeda star gears’ home.
This stunning gear from the red supergiant in the Scorpio constellation allows Santa to miraculously stop and bend time.
Maze Hint: If you see the giant waterfall, the Pegasus star gear will be yours to call.
This gear from the North Star helps Santa with navigation as it always guides him safely back to the North Pole.
Maze Hint: If you see a whale don’t fear, that’s where you’ll find another gear.
Named after the mythical winged horse, this gear's energy helps give the reindeer their ability to fly.
Maze Hint: Inside the dome of branches and iron, you’ll come upon Orion.