Junie B. Jones
See the world through the eyes of the spirited and spunky Junie B. Jones. Based on the beloved children’s book series, this vibrant and hilarious musical adventure follows the unforgettable antics of that irrepressible first-grader, Junie B., and her quirky, lovable friends through the ups and downs of elementary school. With catchy tunes, an infectious energy, and a heartwarming message, this production will leave young and old with smiles on their faces and an appreciation for the joys of growing up.
Show Time:
- Thursday, June 20 - 4:00 PM - WESTON
- Friday, June 21 - 4:00 PM - WESTON
- Saturday, June 22 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
- Tuesday, July 2 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
- Wednesday, July 3 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
- Thursday, July 4 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
- Friday, July 5 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
- Saturday, July 6 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
- Sunday, July 7 - 11:00 AM - WESTON
Junie B. Jones is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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