HU Chant: The Sound of Soul
Saturday, June 15, 2024 from 02:00pm to 03:00pm
Fletcher Free Library, 235 College Street
"Singing HU has been practiced for thousands of years in one form or another for inner attunement. In the same way a musician can use a tuning fork to find the right pitch, the person singing HU tunes in to a higher spiritual awareness."
---Harold Klemp, HU, The Most Beautiful Prayer
Even in times of uncertainty and stress, there are spiritual tools that can help us to find our balance and navigate these challenges in a positive way. HU, a sound behind all sounds, is an ancient, sacred name for God that has been used throughout the ages to open lines of communication to the most sacred part of ourselves. Singing HU Can open your heart, helping you to restore your connection to inner peace, expand your awareness and gain a higher perspective on everyday problems. All are warmly invited to experience the HU and see how you can use it to find your own inner guidance. You are welcome to chant out loud or simply listen, whatever is right for you. The chant lasts about 20 minutes, followed by a brief contemplative time and conversation with others of like heart.
All are welcome to this event hosted by Eckankar, the Path of Spiritual Freedom, a spiritual teaching that offers simple spiritual exercises for people of all faith, traditions and walks of life to develop and deepen a conscious and practical relationship with spirit.
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