The 8 Best Bookstores in Vermont!

From massive bookstores to quaint and cozy book nooks, the Green Mountain State features bookshops that have been around for decades. Finding your next favorite book at an independent bookstore is good for the community, and in Vermont, we value that support immensely. So next time you’re looking to reread an old classic, or if you’re searching for the new bestseller, stop in to one of these 8 great bookstores in Vermont.
Northshire Bookstore, Manchester Center, VT
Founded in 1976 in a historic building in Manchester Center known as the Colburn House. One of the largest independently operated bookstores in the Green Mountain State, Northshire boasts 10,000 square-feet, with one floor devoted entirely to Children’s literature. With a focus on browsing and discovery, the bookstore also offers a full line of stationery, magazines, cards, calendars, local foods, clothing, jewelry, and an attached cafe.
Bennington Bookshop, Bennington, VT
First opened in 1928, the Bennington Bookshop is the oldest independent bookstore in Vermont. A vast array of books, some even featured on the New England Independent Booksellers Association best sellers list, this bookshop, too offers cards, calendars, clothing, and more. Owners Linda Foulsham and Phil Lewis will gladly show you around, or catch their interview online by local Public Access Station CAT-TV in Bennington.
Yankee Bookshop, Woodstock, VT
Yankee is probably what you always envisioned a quintessential New England bookshop to look like. That might be because it was established in 1935 and proudly boasts being the oldest continuously operated independent bookstore in Vermont. Owners Kari Meutsch and Kristian Preylowski curate and stock the shelves with current bestsellers, international authors, and literary newcomers. With a focus on hard-to-find, out-of-print, and obscure titles, Yankee truly enjoys matching you to your perfect book.
Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, VT
Established in 1973, Bear Pond Books has weathered two major floods, vandalism, and recent attacks on the First Amendment. They sell a range of new and used fiction and nonfiction, and current owners, Claire Benedict and Robert Kasow curate this stately Vermont bookshop and community gathering spot.
Everyone’s Books, Brattleboro, VT
Established in 1984, Everyone’s is an independent, family-owned bookstore, which specializes in books on social change, the environment, and multicultural children’s books. Focused on providing a friendly environment where everyone is welcome to come in and rant about government and social injustice or quietly shop and research, owners Nancy Braus and Rich Geidel are bent on Everyone’s being, well, for everyone.
The Flying Pig Bookstore, Shelburne, VT
The Flying Pig carries more than 30,000 books, and, if that’s not enough, they can order what you need from their two-million-book database. Not bad considering they opened in 1997 in an 850-square-foot post office building with only 6,500 children’s books. In addition, the bookstore has recently been named an anchor institution by The Wall Street Journal and co-owner Elizabeth Bluemle’s had her book recognized as one of New York Public Library's 100 Best Children's Books of 2014.
The Galaxy Bookshop, Hardwick, VT
Founded in 1988, the Galaxy is now owned by Andrea Jones and Sandy Scott. Focusing on local books by local authors, this bookshop promotes a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, with books, toys, cards & stationery, and gifts. With a roster of booksellers dedicated to being courteous and friendly, the Galaxy is a bookshop not to be missed.
Bridgeside Books, Waterbury, VT
Opened in 2009, Bridgeside is focused on being a place of learning and imagination. Booksellers here aim to be knowledgeable guides who skillfully direct you to your next read. Regarding young readers, there is an entire section of the store devoted specifically to children’s literature, stuffed animals, and art supplies.