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Matagorda Bay Birdfest

Saturday, March 08, 2025 at 06:00am

Matagorda Bay Birdfest

Various Venues In Palacios, TX

Palacios, TX, 77465


The 9th Annual Matagorda Bay Birdfest is an educational event in Palacios, TX connecting people birds and nature. Just a few reasons to Flock & Stroll in the City By The Sea.

Schedule Of Events

Bird Tours

6:00am to 10:30am : The Bridge to Nowhere - Oyster Lake

6:45am to 10:30am : Around Town - Palacios Hot Spots

6:30am to 10:30am : Shorebird Haven at the Harrison Ranch

6:15am to 10:30am : Colorado River Roaming at the Birding Nature Center and LeTulle Park

Palacios Parade of Birds

10:30 - 11:30 am : Palacios Parade of Birds

Procession begins on 6th and Main (Railroad Park), featuring Palacios' historic center

Parade lineup begins at 9:30 am - Railroad Park. Calling all entries to be at lineup on time Emcee and judges table at 4th and Main, Owl Pellet Dissection - 11:30 am to 1:00 pm, Parade winners announced 12:45 pm, Food Trucks - 10 am to 4 pm

Raptor Display

1:00 - 4:00 pm : Raptor Display

Location : Railroad Park

Keynote Dinner

5:30 to 8:15 pm : Keynote Dinner - $70/person, with guest chef Robert Mayberry

Keynote Speaker : Executive Director of the Gulf of Mexico Trust, Jay Kleberg : "Stewardship & Storytelling"

Location : Palacios Educational Pavilion 693 South Bay Blvd., Palacios, TX

Speaker Sessions

Session 1

1:30 to 2:10 pm :

Tara Rodkey, TX A&M Corpus Christi - Room A

Carter Crouch, International Crane Foundation - Room B

TX Parks & Wildlife, Matagorda Bay - Room C

Session 2

2:30 to 3:10 pm :

David Essian, Harte Research Institute - Room A

Elizabeth Everett, TX A&M Corpus Christi - Room B

Alexis Baldera, National Audubon - Room C

Session 3

3:30 to 4:10 pm

Richard Gibbons, Houston Audubon - Room A

Paityn Bowers, International Crane Foundation - Room B

Location : Eastside Elementary School, 901 2nd St., Palacios, TX

Matagorda Bay Birdfest is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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