Diesel Dayz
-Outlaw Diesel
Run what you bring
Must have proper safety equipment for the ET
Must be diesel
$200 buy in
100% payback
$5500 payout
$3250 Winner
$1250 Runner Up
$500 semis
-6.70 Index
$2k payout +100% payback
$1000 winner
$500 Runner Up
$250 Semifinals
$150 buy in
-7.70 Index-
$1500 guaranteed +100% payback
$100 buy in
-Et/Sportsman Class-
Any truck welcome
$1000 payout +100% payback
$50 buy in
All classes are pro tree
All payouts are guaranteed
Racers are welcome to split differently than listed above if it is agreed upon by the racers in that round
Gates open 9 am
Track hot 11 for time trials time trials
Qualifying 12-2
Racers will be put on a ladder for elimination
National Anthem and Invocation 4:45
Eliminations at 5
(865) 992-9995
For More Info Visit Website / Facebook