Riverboat Days and Summer Arts Festival
Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 08:30am
Riverboat Days and Summer Arts Festival
Various Venues in Yankton
8:30am - River City Gymnastic Car - Baseball Field
Show Registration
9A-9pm - Arts and Crafts Vendors - Event Center
9:30A-5:30pm - YAA Fine Arts and Craft - Riverside park
10am - Food Vendors Open - Riverside park
10:00am-10:45A - River City Assembly Church Service - CorTrust Amphitheater
11am-5pm - Inflatables, Ferris Wheel and Whirly Bird Children’s Area
11am-1pm - Great plains Zoo Zoo-Mobile - CorTrust Amphitheater
11:30pm-12:30pm - Bean Bag Tournament Registration Explorers Credit Union Main Stage parking Lot
12pm - RiverCity Gymnastics Car Show Begins - Softball Field
12pm - Kids pedal pull Registration Explorers Credit Union - Main Stage parking Lot
12pm-1pm - Bear Hollow Wood Carver- East of Explorers CU Main Stage
Chainsaw Sculpting Demo
12pm-4pm - Tri-State Old Iron Assoc North of Softball Field
Small Engine Display
12pm-5pm - Kiddie Centipede Train Children’s Area
12pm-6pm - Beer Shelter Opens Riverside park
12:30pm - Bean Bag Tournament Explorers Credit Union Main Stage parking
1pm - Kids pedal pull Explorers Credit Union Main Stage parking Lot
1pm-5pm - Activities for Children Children’s Area
1:30pm - Tri-State Old Iron Tractor North of Softball Field
1:30pm-2:30pm - Yankton Area Children’s Choir - CorTrust Amphitheater
2pm-3pm - Bear Hollow Wood Carver - East of Explorers CU Main Stage
Chainsaw Sculpting Demo Main Stage
3pm-5pm - Rusty Bucket CorTrust Amphitheater
4pm - River City Gymnastics Softball Field
Car Show Awards
4:30pm - Bear Hollow Wood Carver Auction East of Explorers CU Main Stage
5pm - RBD Raffle Drawing Riverside park