Main Street Arts and Crafts Festival
Sunday, June 30, 2024 from 10:00am to 03:00pm
Main Street Arts and Crafts Festival
Centennial Park
North River Street
Our 47th Annual in 2024!
Join Us For Local Arts, Handmade Crafts, Delicious Food & Fantastic Music
The festival includes (and encourages) local artisans, craftsperson's, woodworkers, jewelers, candle makers, food vendors and entertainers to participate in the festival. A children’s stage is also part of the event. The event takes place over three days on the last full weekend of June.
10:00am-3:00pm - International Western Music Association Showcase This group promotes and preserves western music in its traditional, historical and contemporary forms.
10:00-10:15am - Introduction/Sherl Cederburg
10:20-11:05am - Bodhi Linde
11:05-11:15am - Sherl Cederburg
11:20-12:00pm - Harland Allen
12:00-12:10pm - Sherl Cederburg
12:15-1:00pm - Buffalo Bill Boycott & Dr. Jo
1:00-1:10pm - Sherl Cederburg
1:15-2:00pm - Ramblin' Rangers
2:00-2:10pm - Sherl Cederburg
2:15-3:00pm - Pegie Douglas
Sunday Afternoon: 1:00 pm
Willson & McKee - : Workshop OR Demonstration (This program is for all ages-Children & Adults- and will focus on fun with music! The musicians will choose their topic-which could be Celtic music, culture, dance, storytelling or activities with instruments. Don't miss this special presentation!