Fort Pierre Trader Days
Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 06:30am
Fort Pierre Trader Days
Various Venues in Fort Pierre
6:30-8 am - Breakfast in the Park - Fischers Lilly Park
11 am - American Legion Beer Tent - Fischers Lilly Park
11:30 am-1 pm - Verendrye Museum Backyard BBQ
People's Choice Competition - Fischers Lilly Park
Winners Announced at 2:30 pm
12 pm - Cornhole Tourney Registration - Deadwood Street
12:30-3 pm - Verendrye Museum Backyard BBQ Meal to the Public - Fischers Lilly Park
2-6 pm - Live Music Performances Deadwood Street Local/Regional Musicians Featuring:
Cody Hullinger
Katie Dwyer
Lance Spears
Kc Hughes
2 pm - Bounce Houses and Kid's Tattoos - Deadwood Street
2 pm - Dunk Tank and Wading Pool - Deadwood Street
2 pm - Food Trucks - Deadwood Street
2 pm - Trader Days / Turkey Races Apparel Booth - Deadwood Street
2-5 pm - Turkey Sales - Deadwood Street
3 pm - Parade with Kazoo Band - Deadwood Street
3:30 pm - Turkey Races Registration - Deadwood Street
4 pm - Mud Wrestling Deadwood Street
Minors: ages 12-17
5 pm - Mud Wrestling - Deadwood Street
Adults: ages 18+
5 pm - 35th Annual Street Masters Dam Run - Expo Center
5 pm - Beer Chugging Contest - Deadwood Street
6 pm - Turkey Races - Deadwood Street
Calcutta on Final Round
9 pm-12 am - Street Dance - Deadwood Street
Dustin Evans and The Good Times Band