Fall River Fourth of July Celebration
Lots of fun activities to do on the Fourth!
6am: Firecracker 5k/10k & Mile Race at Chautauqua Park, registration starts at 6am! FOR MORE INFORMATION: Email: hotspringsfirecracker@yahoo.com - Online Registration: www.active.com
10 am: Parade at 10 am, route will go down University Ave to 5th St, ending at the Mueller Civic Center
12pm - 3pm: Hot Springs Cruisers Show & Shine at Centennial Park
11:30am: Chamber Community Picnic at the Mueller Civic Center
FireQuacker Duck Race at 1pm, starts at the Centennial Park Bridge down to the dip bridge. 1st place $1,000 in Chamber Bucks | 2nd place $500 ACE Hardware spending spree | $250 to shop at Lynn’s $200 Chamber Bucks from Farm Bureau Financial Services - Tom Berger | $150 Sonny's Super Foods Gift Card
Dusk: Fireworks Display at Dusk, displayed at the city shop. Watch from Butler Park! Weather Permitting.