Friday, October 25, 2024 from 06:00pm to 10:00pm
Monster Ball at Deadwood Mountain Grand Event Center, Deadwood SD
Come celebrate Halloween in Deadwood. Deadweird is a little crazy, a little spooky, and a WHOLE lot of fun! Make plans for the 12th annual Monster Ball with a live band and dancing; and the annual Costume Contest with more than $10,000 in cash and prizes for the best costumes on Saturday, Oct. 26, 2024. Both of these events are Free, so come in costume or just come to watch - it is quite the sight!
Schedule of Events
6-10 pm: Deadwood" Deadweird" Halloween Events For +21 - Monster Ball at Deadwood Mountain Grand Event Center
Live music by Flannel, People's Choice Costume Contest, Dancing & FUN! People's Choice winners will be announced at 9:00 pm. Must be present to win. Additional door prizes awarded throughout the evening. Must Be 21 To Participate.