Deceased Farm
Deceased Farm begins with a unique, mind-warping trip through a 3D nightmare. While wearing your glasses, you will be surrounded with astonishingly detailed artwork, ghastly monsters with their toys, and 3D effects sure to have you questioning your sanity. You will then be transported to a dark and desolate farm, inhabited by unspeakable creatures hoping to make you this year's harvest! Just when you think you have made it out alive, you will be plunged into 2 acres of dark cornfields. Good luck escaping the horror hiding behind the stalks. No one really knows what lurks in those fields!
Deceased Farm is a very intense haunted attraction and therefore it is NOT recommended for children under the age of 12. Children under 12 will be allowed with parental consent and accompaniment throughout the entire attraction. Keep in mind that Deceased Farm does not offer refunds, so make sure your child is mature enough to handle the attraction.