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9 Best Antique Stores in South Carolina!

sc antique stores

Got an eye for old, unique, hard-to-find curiosities? You’re in luck—South Carolina features an abundance of antique stores brimming with the relics of lives lived long ago. And no wonder—South Carolina is steeped in rich cultural history, which means you’re sure to find something special in one of the many antique stores dotting the Palmetto State, each one as unique as the treasures they hold. So, step inside the 9 best antique stores in South Carolina ... you won’t want to walk away empty handed!

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Old Mill Antique Mall, West Columbia, SC

Visiting the Old Mill Antique Mall is like a brick-and-mortar Amazon store for antiques and collectibles—more than 75 dealers display their offerings under one roof to make it a one-stop shop for buyers.

Terrace Oaks Antique Mall, Charleston, SC

How many antiques can you squeeze into a 10,000-square-foot mall? It’s a lot, for sure. Stop by to recapture your lost youth in the form of clothing, first edition books, memorabilia and jewelry.

Palmetto Peddlers, Florence, SC

Got an ear for vinyl? You could spend the day browsing through the extensive collection here. If you aren’t a vinyl audiophile, the mall also specializes in vintage pieces, jewelry, dishes, antiques, signs, and more.

Riverfront Antique Mall, North Augusta, SC

A few minutes of browsing can quickly transform into a few hours while you take a trip down Memory Lane. From books and bottles to dolls and clothing, furniture and housewares and all things vintage, over 100,000 square feet of unique items await you.

The Collector’s Antique Mall, Beaufort, SC

It’s antique heaven for collectors and enthusiasts alike. Here you’ll find a varied selection of china, kitchenware, furniture, toys, collectibles and more, all as unique as the people and places from which they came.

763 Meeting Street Antique Mall, West Columbia, SC

It’s not one of the largest antique shops in the state, but 763 certainly boasts a quality selection. There’s a little something for everyone here, including books, china, tools, jewelry, military collectibles, and furniture.

Landrum Antique Mall, Landrum, SC

The history behind the antique mall is as ancient as the relics held within its walls. The building itself is a piece of Landrum heritage, which makes it the perfect locale for an antiques showcase. Inside you’ll find a vintage fashion boutique, books, magazines, silver, and other mementos of days gone by.

Aiken Antique Mall, Aiken, SC

Searching for authentic antiques or just a little something unusual? You’ll find plenty of both here. Wander through the multitude of home furnishings, jewelry, vinyl records, clothing, vintage signage, and other collectibles. You may need to bring a bigger car.

Time and Time Again Antique Mall, Inman, SC

Journey way back as you browse the many wonders of Time and Time Again Antiques. Locals and far-off fans agree that it’s harder not to find something special within these walls, and at a price to fit any budget.

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