Show - Christmas with The Celts
"Christmas with The Celts," the popular PBS pledge show, is now touring across America. Originally aired on over 200 PBS channels in the U.S., Canada, and on the BBC in Ireland, this beloved production quickly grew in demand, leading to performances at prestigious venues like the Grand Ole Opry and Ryman Auditorium. Now celebrating 14 years of national touring, the show combines ancient Irish Christmas carols, lively dance, and contemporary songs with Celtic instrumentation. Each year brings new Christmas hits, Celts originals, and fresh Irish dance tunes, ensuring no two performances are the same.
Audiences are treated to a memorable mix of music, dance, humor, and interaction. The show blends modern Christmas hits, spirited Irish carols, thrilling Irish dancing, spontaneous jokes, and heartfelt ballads, creating an unforgettable experience. Founder Ric Blair says, "Christmas with the Celts isn't just a concert; it's a spiritual experience of music and dance uniting communities. It's about bringing young and old together."
Time: Doors: 6:00PM, Show: 7:00PM
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