Erie Playhouse
Box Office Hours:
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 4:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 2:00pm
Since 1983, the Erie Playhouse has been at its current address 13 West 10th Street, the home of the former Strand Theatre, which was built as a movie house in 1947. The 12,000+ square foot theatre has seating for 424 plus handicapped accessible seating and restroom facilities. The proscenium style stage is perfectly suited to the theatre’s busy schedule.
The Erie Playhouse is one of the oldest community theatres in the nation, founded in 1916 by Henry B. Vincent. Vincent, former musical director at Chautauqua, began by organizing interested friends in amateur theatrics. These informal performances were staged in the old Chamber of Commerce rooms in the Reed Hotel on North Park Row.
Opening night was January 18, 1916. A capacity crowd of 99 persons sat on funeral chairs to watch three short plays: I’m Going, Galatea of the Toy Shop and Sunset.