Creek County Fall Fair
We solicit your cooperation in helping to make the 2021 County Fair the BEST FAIR ever held in Creek County.
When preparing exhibits, read carefully the rules governing each department in which you expect to enter. This will avoid misunderstandings at the last moment.
A properly conducted fair should and does result in quality production. Not one factor does more to stimulate efforts on the improvement in farm and ranch conditions than the agricultural fair. It is there that the farmer has an opportunity to see and observe the progress being made in the improvements of farm crops and animals and to compare his work with the efforts of others. His success in competing with his neighbors stimulates him to greater efforts and his failures teach him wherein his work is at fault.
It is the purpose of the fair association to make these fairs educational institutions and to encourage cooperation among farmers and men.
The management of the Creek County Free Fair is in the hands of the Creek County Fair Board, which is composed of three members elected from each Creek County Commissioners District annually for three-year terms.
The active management of the fair is in the hands of the executive board, consisting of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer and five members of the board. This is your fair and is intended to be of educational value to all who attend. No admission charges will be made where exhibits are present.
Bring the best you have in the way of livestock, farm crops, vegetables, fruit, canned goods, textiles, poultry, etc. Plan your exhibits early. Read this catalogue. Select exhibits that have merit in their classes. Here is where you compete with your neighbor in your ability to select the best as well as in the production of the article itself.
If you win any contest, your neighbor who exhibits in the same class, can see where he has failed or profited thereby.
Come and bring your family. Do not forget the boys and girls, for they are the farmers and farmers' wives of the future. Help to make this fair a great success!