Columbus Cigar Fest
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 01:00pm
Columbus Cigar Fest
Various locations in Westerville
The Columbus Cigar Fest is an annual celebration of cigars and culture. The festival features cigars by local and national manufacturers, as well as cut & lights, exhibitions, and food vendors. Join us for five days of fun and celebration!
The Columbus Cigar Fest Day Four begins with a day of smoking at Governors - Reynoldsburg.
This indoor/outdoor event features Kevin of Konscious Cigars, The event begins at 1:00pm.
Cigar purchase required. VIP, please show your VIP credentials.
The Columbus Cigar Fest Day Four evening Main event takes place at NAUS
This outdoor event showcases multiple cigar manufacturers, various exhibitors, The evening event begins at 5:00pm.
Come party with music multiple food vendors, vendors, and much more. This is a NON-BYOB event
Date: June 19-23, 2024