Wickham's Fruit Farm
Wickham's Fruit Farm, bout 90 miles east of New York City. Wickham's fruit is grown on some of the oldest continually cultivated land in the country, much of the farm dating from 1661. Wickham's Fruit Farm is an historic, bicentennial farm, beautiful to behold against the sparkling waters of Peconic Bay.
It is one of the largest farms on the North Fork, approximately 300 acres, of which 200 acres are in fruit, all of which is retailed at the farm. The emphasis is on fruit of the highest quality, and all fruit sold is guaranteed.
A very large proportion of Wickham farm land has been placed in Suffolk County's Farmland Preservation program, which means that for generations to come, this land is "forever agriculture."
Wickham's Fruit Farm is a family enterprise which has taken pride in producing and marketing the choicest of fruit. The retail market is open usually from May through December from Monday through Saturday. Wickham's is closed on Sundays, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.