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Spark Theatre Festival - How to Build a Gate

Friday, March 07, 2025 from 07:00pm to 08:15pm

Spark Theatre Festival

Chain Theater

312 West 36th Street, 3rd Floor

New York, NY, 10018


$20 /$25 at the door

As far as Liza’s concerned, there is no point in doing anything if you aren’t the best. So, when she’s tapped to develop a new advanced AI, she won’t be satisfied unless it’s the finest around. But when her project surpasses expectations, ethical dilemmas bring Liza’s ambitions into question.

Writer/Producer: Electra Carzis
Performer/Producer: Kate Low
Director: Sydney Dennison

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Spark Theatre Festival - How to Build a Gate is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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