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Runnin of the Green

Saturday, March 15, 2025 at 09:30am

250 East Main Street

Rochester, NY, 14604


The ice is melting, the bagpipes are calling, and you're running fast down Main Street towards green donuts and live music. Join us for a fun time, maybe a fast time, and definitely a party time. Rochester's Runnin' of The Green 5-mile is back for it's 27th year.

No fees on race registrations.

A 5 mile out and back course along the Genesee River, Runnin' of The Green presented by YMCA of Greater Rochester & UR Medicine, is Rochester's un-official start to the racing season. Run in person or virtually to celebrate the season.

All Registrants Receive:

Runnin' of The Green race medal

Cotton long sleeve shirt **Sign up by 2/25 to guarantee your shirt size**

Themed post-race snacks & beverages (green donuts, apples, beer, cider to name a few)

Free Post Race Party at The Mercantile (live music, games from vendors, and fun!)

Complementary bag drop for a better post race party

Additional food and beverages are available for purchase from the great options in the mercantile

Click Here For Registration:

Runnin of the Green is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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