Christ Church NYC
We seek to love God above all things and our neighbors as ourselves. This mission animates and informs all we do, for it is a lifelong quest and learning how to live it faithfully requires the support, truthfulness and encouragement of Christian community.
Core Values:
Worship is the core of our life.
In worship we are brought together in community. We direct our praise and gratitude, our hopes and fears, and our aspirations and concerns to our loving God. All of life is informed and shaped by what happens when God’s people gather for worship.
We live and practice dynamic hospitality.
At the heart of Jesus’ message is a radical welcome extended to all people to draw near to God and to one another. In our life together we strive to emulate this radical call. We extend dynamic hospitality, in spiritual and tangible form, to all who enter our doors. It is an essential part of what it means to be at Christ Church.
We welcome and celebrate diversity.
Jesus welcomed all who drew near to him. So do we. Given that our shared life takes place in New York City, one of the most dynamic and diverse cities in the world, we celebrate the diversity that is the human family. This means that we are not narrowly defined by class or race, ideological or theological orientation. We are defined by the love of God and neighbor, and that love takes many different forms and shapes. We celebrate that.
We strive for excellence in all that we do.
In lives of commitment, in worship and program execution, and most important in love, we strive for excellence in all we do as a church and as individuals. This striving for excellence is not about perfection, but it is about love of God and neighbor, which requires our very best.