St. Paddy's 5 Mile Race Patrick E. Coyne Memorial Race
Freehold Area Running Club presents the 34Th Annual St. Paddy's 5 Mile Race on Saturday March 22, 2025. A 5-mile course, contained within Tighe Park. A beautiful run through the parks green space, you will cross the Manasquan River on a country bridge. Refreshments will include beer and hot dogs. T-shirts are guaranteed to all pre-registrants and new this year are Finishers Medals. The St. Paddy's 5 Mile Race supports Freehold Twp. Parks and Recreation Special Olympics and Freehold Twp. Recreation Challenger Sports for Special Needs.
St. Paddy's 5 Mile Race Patrick E. Coyne Memorial Race is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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