Annual Memorial Day Bike Parade
Medford Lakes Lions will be sponsoring the Annual Memorial Day Bike Parade on Monday
To celebrate Memorial Day and continue a long-standing Medford Lakes tradition, the Medford Lakes Lions will be sponsoring the annual Memorial Day Bike Parade. All children are invited to decorate their bikes, trikes, wagons or strollers and commemorate the Memorial Day holiday.
Each participating child will receive a Dollar Coin for their efforts.
Prizes will be awarded for the 1st 2nd and 3rd best decorated bike entries in the following categories:
1. Strollers, Dikes, wagons (Pre-school)
2. K & 1st grade
3. 2nd & 3rd grade
4. 4th grade and up
There will also be the traditional drawing for two bicycles.
All Parade participants should assemble at Wilson Field 45 Osage Trail, Medford Lakeslat 9:00 - 9:30am.
The Parade starts promptly al 10:00AM and proceeds down Onondago Trail, left on Hiawatha Trail to left onto Lenape Trail, then right onto Stokes Rd and right onto Minnetonka Trail, ending at the Memorial Park by Cabin Circle Drive - across from Oaks Hall