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Ozarks Beerfest

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Ozarks Beerfest

Ozark Empire Fairground

3001 North Grant Avenue

Springfield, MO, 65803


Ozarks Beerfest is the region's largest beer festival, featuring unlimited samples of over 200 craft brews, along with seltzers, ciders, and non-alcoholic beers. Join us for a day filled with food, games, raffles, live music, and of course, beer! Following the festivities, don't miss the After-Party with the incredible reunion of Nick, Ruell, and Ned the Band!

Beer Stein Holding Contest
Men's at 1:45PM
Women's at 2:45PM

1 ticket for $5.00
5 tickets for $20.00

Beer Walk
Similar to a cake walk, when you pay $5 to play, you will walk around the circle of numbers on the floor until the person in charge says stop and then will announce which number is the winner and if you are there you will win a free 6 pack!

After Party
Join us for the reunion of Nick Ruell And Ned The Band at the Ozarks Beerfest After-Party!

Live Music
Carnahan & Co are a local group from Poplar Bluff, MO, and have been bringing their up beat, good-time music to audiences all over southeast MO.

General Admission 1:00pm - 4:00pm

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Ozarks Beerfest is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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