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Minnesota Bach Festival

Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 02:00pm

Minnesota Bach Festival

Saint James Lutheran Church

460 Annapolis Street

West Saint Paul, MN, 55107


The Bach Society of Minnesota’s 2025 Minnesota Bach Festival takes place February 28-March 30 with a month of vibrant and rich musical offerings. Highlights include the Mozart Requiem concert and Community Sing-along, a weekend of Mobile Mini-Concerts, Bach’s birthday concert, a Masterclass on Bach’s keyboard music, a celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebooks with a lecture and recital, the Bach & Friends musical workshop, and the collaborative performance of Baroque Tango: Rhythms of Desire, Longing, and Passion.


March 22, 2025

Celebrate the Birthday!

Celebrate Bach's Birthday and the 300th Anniversary of the Anna Magdalena Bach Notebooks with the Bach Society of Minnesota

Three hundred years ago, Johann Sebastian Bach presented his wife, Anna Magdalena, with a second music notebook. While she used it for her own practice, it also served as a teaching tool for their children. Today, children around the world still learn music from these notebooks, carrying on the Bach family legacy.

Led by Dr. Martin Dicke

Masterclass on Bach’s Keyboard Music | 2:00 PMBach Birthday Community Concert | 3:00 PM

All Are Welcome!

Saint James Lutheran Church - 460 Annapolis St. W., West St. Paul

Admission Free 

Date: February 28 - March 30, 2025

Minnesota Bach Festival is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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