Best Thrift Shops in Minnesota Revealed

Minnesotans are a thrifty bunch. Nothing satisfies quite like finding that hidden gem at an unbelievable price. The popularity of tag-popping in Minnesota has resulted in a thrift store boom. Here are our favorite places to get our thrift on.
Hidden Treasures Thrift Store, St. Anthony, MN
Like many of the state’s best shops, Hidden Treasures Thrift Store is backed by a mission to do good. In this case, it’s to help people overcome barriers to employment. Thrifters will therefore find an awesome selection of everything from clothes to furniture, donated by people looking to do some good. When you shop at Hidden Treasures, you’ll find some awesome deals and help others at the same time.
Common Closet Thrift Store, Wabasha, MN
Recently voted “Best Thrift Shop in Minnesota,” The Common Closet Thrift Store has become a Wabasha institution and community stalwart since its opening in 2010. The store takes in a wide range of clothes and household items, resells them to the community at a low cost, then regularly donates proceeeds to local charities. Bargain hunters in Southeast Minnesota won’t want to miss The Common Closet.
Repair Lair, Minneapolis, MN
Thrifty outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate Repair Lair in Minneapolis’ Longfellow Neighborhood. Not only do they repair gear and outdoor clothing, they consign and resell it. Looking for a bargain on a tent or winter jacket, hiking boots or skis? Repair Lair is the place to be.
ThriftWorks!, Waite Park, MN
Tag poppers in the St. Cloud area can find a boatload of bargains at ThriftWorks. Operated by WACOSA, ThriftsWorks not only sells clothes, shoes, books, toys, and household items, it also puts developmentally-disabled adults to work by offering them employment opportunities in the store and donation center.
Junket: Tossed and Found, Minneapolis, MN
Junket Tossed and Found is an awesomely-eclectic, South Minneapolis shop that started from a deeply-personal place for the owner. What began as a tiny vintage shop is now a “secondhand mercantile” with thousands of square feet of carefully-curated bargains and treasures.
Restored Blessings, Winona, MN
Restored Blessings is packed to the walls with great bargains. Clothing, books, furnitues, and household items are the shop’s staples, but really, with a constant influx of new items, you never know what you may find at Restored Blessings.