Waltz World's Fair
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10:00am
Waltz World's Fair
Joseph Waltz Park
36607 Bismark Street
Join us for a Family Fun Festival
Waltz World's Fair at Joseph Waltz Park in Michigan is a community event that brings families together to enjoy a variety of activities, music, food and entertainment. From face painting to live performances, our festival has something for everyone. Come and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones.
Schedule of Events
7:00-9:30 am: Vendor Set-up
10:00 am-11:00 pm: Beer Tent Open
10:00 am-6:00 pm: Animal Adpotion Event Featuring: Hard Licker Ranch and Bed, Bark, and Beyond. Animal Rescue
10:00 am-l2:00 pm: Old Fashion Games for Kids
9:00 am: Tractor Show
10:00 am: Car Show
11:00 am: Comhole Tournament Registration
12:00 pm: Mud Volleyball-Pre Registration Required
2:00 pm: Berry Bnckey-Band located in the pavilion
4:00 pm: Corhort- Bond located in the pavilion
8:00 pm: Detroit Light-Band located in pavilion