Evart Pre-Funfest
Sunday, July 14, 2024 at 10:00am
Evart Funfest
Osceola County Fairgrounds
101 Recreation Avenue
The Fun begins with a variety of pre-festival activities.There are jam sessions, tune exchanges, hiking events, and outings to local establishments. Please join us if you can!
Come early for the pre-fest!
- Spontaneous improptu jams anytime, anywhere
- Daily Ukulele, Fiddle, Dulcimer and Dixieland jams
- Kayak the river and ride the bike trail
- Perform at the Farmers Market
- Play for the local church
- Pin ribbons at Fair Board Breakfast.
Uke jams, 10-11:30am at the Lions pavilion. If you own a copy of the book, The Daily Ukulele, by Liz and Jim Beloff, please bring your book to the jam. This is the yellow book, from their three book series.
Hammer Dulcimer jams, 1-4 pm and 7-10 pm in the ODPC Pavilion. All instruments are welcome.
Mountain Dulcimer jams, check the whiteboard at campsite A25 for times.
Dixieland Jam: 2-4:15pm daily at the Swine Barn. All instruments welcome; not limited to traditional Dixieland instrumentation. Discover the joy of the old time favorites performed in a Dixieland style: Bill Bailey, Darktown Strutters’ Ball, When the Saints, Alabama Jubilee… Coordinated by Jim Janofski
Fiddle jams, 2 - 4 pm at the Lions pavilion.
10am - Church Service Performance, Evart Free Methodist Church. Try to arrive by 9:30am to setup. A musical service played by festival attendees. The church is located just to the west of the fairgrounds at 6151 95th Ave. All instruments are welcome. Here is the Playlist (revised July7). For questions, contact Jim Janofski
7pm - Gospel Sing in the Fairgrounds Community Building. A long time Evart tradition. Bring yourself, your voice and/or your backup instrument. Special music welcomed and encouraged.