Glad Midsommar Festival
Friday, June 21, 2024 at 09:00am
Glad Midsommar Festival
New Sweden Historical Society
116 Station Road. PO Box 33
Our annual Midsommar Festival is a wonderful opportunity for us to remember our community's Swedish roots and share our traditions with folks far and wide.
Schedule of Events
9 am - Flower gathering: meet at New Sweden Museum or Carlstrom Hill, Rt. 161 above Madawaska Lake. Bring garden clippers, waterproof shoes, and 5- gallon buckets. "Queen Anne's Lace, daisies, buttercups, purple vetch, and tamarack are needed for hair wreaths.
11 am - Set up museum grounds - volunteers needed to set up tables, chairs, and canopies.
5:30 pm - American Legion Swedish Meatball Supper, 289 N. Main Street Stockholm, ME $12 admission at the door.