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Winter Shorts Festival

Friday, January 31, 2025 at 07:30pm

Winter Shorts Festival

The Drama Studio

41 Oakland Street

Springfield, MA, 01108


Line Up:


By The 2016 YAP class

An older sister has had it with her two slobby, lying, whining siblings.  She recruits a detective to investigate their messes and their excuses.  The young detective finds she is in way over her head, as she is caught up in The Mess-tigation of the Stuffed Animal Army, the Dust Bunny Battle, and possibly the Alien Invasion Plot. Through it all, there is the Mysterious Jack Factor.  Can she solve it?

Nothing’s Wrong:

By Asha Morbyrne

Sage is struggling with questioning her identity, and time at her Grandmother’s farm brings unexpected clarity.

Winter Shorts Festival is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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