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John Waters: Devil's Advocate

Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 07:00pm to 09:00pm

Provincetown Town Hall, 260 Commercial Street

Provincetown, MA, 02657


General Admission: USD 50.00

Is John Waters a cautionary contrarian, a reactionary radical, or a true Devil's Advocate? In this all-new, fast-moving, part-confessional, part-inquisitional comic spoken word show, the filth elder known for his "transgressive" films and his "subversive" books salutes the new gender-guerilla generation of today for doing the impossible - actually making him nervous. Together, he demands, we must form a new rainbow of rancid colors and seize back the sexual revolution from the self-righteousness of the left and the intolerance of the right.

A new middle-of-the-road madness that uses humor as terrorism, wit as ammunition. A happy family of all-age, cuckoo crossover: hip-hop hippies, pansy punks, queer gangstas, down-low hos, and ****-kicking skeezers.

We're here. We sneer. Don't get used to us. John Waters - he's the Devil's Advocate and his questions must be answered.

Ticket Price: $50-$135** // Members: $45-$135**

**Limited Group Therapy VIP Ticket Packages available:
- 1 ticket in the Premier section
- Autographed poster designed by local artist
- Selfie from a distance
- Small "Group Therapy" Q+A session with John following the performance

John Waters: Devil's Advocate is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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