Italian Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian
Mission Statement
As a cultural and community organization, our goals are to promote our Italian heritage, maintain a strong presence in our community, and preserve the devotion to our patrons, Saints Cosmas and Damian.
We strive to continue the expression of this devotion through the traditions that were brought to this country by our ancestors from a place they knew as home. We will encourage a culture that instills the importance of our heritage and traditions in our children so that they can preserve them for future generations. The young are our lifeline and assure our continuing existence of strength. We pray that they will be mindful of the hardships that our ancestors endured in migrating to this great country.
We continuously look for opportunities to contribute to our surrounding community and welcome all to share in the enjoyment of our traditions. We will consistently, within our means, support charitable organizations, particularly those geared toward less fortunate children, as our founders intended.