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The Best Markets in Massachusetts!

ma market

While we all love our big-name grocery stores, there’s something very special about small, independent markets. They afford customers convenience and a sense of days gone by. Check out these great Massachusetts markets and step into another era.  

Country Corner, Bernardston, MA

You can buy just about anything at this little market. Those who shop there say the meats are the best. People come from miles around for the corned beef.

Shawmut Grocery Store, Roxbury, MA

For milk, bread, dinner, and some talk about the Red Sox (or the Patriots, Celtics or Bruins—dependent upon the season) visit Shawmut Grocery Store. You’ll come away with great food—and a great feeling.

Golden Goose Market & Café, Boston, MA

Featuring bread baked fresh every day, a butcher shop, a huge selection of deli meats, Golden Goose Market is a delightful place to buy your groceries. Not sure if you like something? Ask for a sample. They’re always happy to oblige.

Kenyon’s Market, East Falmouth, MA

Kenyon’s Market is extremely busy in the summer months, given its close proximity to Menauhant Beach. It’s no wonder, either. They have a huge selection of craft beer and wine—larger than any other Falmouth retailer. They even sell gluten free beer.

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