Exhibition: 'Art that Breathes' by Tony(a) Lemos
Thursday, December 26, 2024 from 10:00am to 08:00pm
Forbes Library
Hosmer Art Gallery
20 West Street
As a lifelong environmentalist and plant person, my work as an artist and healer sits at the intersection of Art, Ecology and Herbalism. I am a conceptual artist inspired by all aspects of the natural world, and the elements and actively work with the alchemical processes of Green World, be it eco-printing, alternative photography methods or foraging and medicine making. My artwork and healing work is process based centering around relationship, well-being, creativity, connection and co-existence. I believe art and creativity to be an integral part of the healing process.
I’ve spent these past few years developing a creative practice which I call “Art that Breathes” a process based methodology which deepens our connection to the healing plants through collaborative art.
I am delighted to share the space for this show with Whendy Carter and Doris W. Madsen, fellow members of Zea Mays Printmaking.