Black Birch Vineyard 10 Miler
When you run the Black Birch Vineyard 10 Miler you get all this and more:
10 miles of beautiful western MA running on a fully supported and certified course on country roads
1 perfect pour of wine from Black Birch Vineyard
A finisher’s long sleeve tech shirt!
A finisher’s medal!
A finish line party hosted by Eric Guyette
A stunning landscape, long winding country roads, a few challenging (but fun) hills and a refreshing glass of wine waiting for you in a picturesque setting. This 10 mile race kicks off at Black Birch Vineyard and takes you on a tour of two quaint New England towns. The course is suitable for all ability levels. It’s positioned two-weeks after the Saint Patrick’s Day 10K and two-weeks before the Fort Hill Brewery Half Marathon, as you look to plan your early Spring season. There will be a 3-hour time limit to complete the course. Get away to Black Birch Vineyard for breathtaking views, fun, laughter, memories, and some of the best award winning wine you will ever have.
We can't guarantee shirt sizes for registrations after March 3 but we will do our best to accommodate everyone.