Steele's Christmas Tree Farm
Steele's has been supplying the residents of Washington Parish and its surrounding areas for the past 35 years. We are conveniently located in the beautiful rolling hills of Washington Parish, which is just a short drive from either the North or South shore; just click on the DIRECTIONS link on the left side bar, and enter your address for directions.
Steele's has over 1000 beautifully shaped trees ranging from 5 to 12 feet tall. We provide saws for your selection of Leyland Cypress, Carolina Sapphire, Blue Ice, Berki Cedar and pre-cut Frasier Fir and White Pine; or if you prefer we will do the cutting for you. We also provide free shaking and bailing of all trees. Snow Flocking is available.
Eco-experts state that it is actually better to buy a REAL CHRISTMAS TREE rather than an artificial tree due to one word; plastics. Unlike real trees which are ultimately a renewable resource, fake trees are made of polyvinyl chloride. The production of this type of plastic creates a lot of pollution and PVC is difficult to recycle. Growing trees not only produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, but after the holidays they can be recycled into mulch, or can be used for coastal restoration of the Louisiana marshes.