Marion Mayhaw Festival
 The Mayhaw Festival is held on the second weekend of May each year, usually falling on Mother's Day weekend. So, just what is a mayhaw? For our northern neighbors, a definition may be in order. The mayhaw tree is in the Hawthorn family, a distant cousin of the rose. It grows near streams and swamplands bearing fruit that looks like small crabapples. The mayhaw is found in the Southern United States from East Texas to the panhandle of Florida. The heaviest concentrations of native mayhaw trees are found in Grant Parish, Louisiana, near Winnie, Texas and in the Pearl river swamps of Mississippi. The mild difficulty of harvesting wild mayhaw fruit (better have your boat handy) is more than made up for by the distinct flavor of the jams, jellies, wines, and cakes derived from this unassuming southern delight. One taste and you will understand why we devote ( in lieu of) and entire festival to this fruit!