Posey County Fair
"Come Home to the Fair" and see what's new! The fair board has been putting in countless hours to make sure you and your family have a blast this year. New food vendors, an exciting concert, FREE carnival, craft vendors, new commercial vendors and more!
The Posey County Fair is held at the Posey County Fairgrounds in New Harmony, Indiana. You can find FREE rides, entertainment, food, and a whole lot of fun each year!
The present Posey County Fair Association was temporarily organized July 17, 1858, and permanent officers were elected and directors appointed soon after. M.T. Carnahan was elected first permanent president; John Cooper, vice-president; J.C. Miller, corresponding secretary, and Samuel Arthur, treasurer.
The first fair was held October 25, 26, and 27, 1859. The next fair was supposed to have been attended by 5,000 visitors and left a balance in the treasury of $1,500. The purpose of the society is to promote the agricultural, horticultural, live stock, manufacturing and mechanical art interests of the county.
For the first ten years the receipts were usually a little in excess of the expenditures. In 1867 the receipts were about $3,000 and in 1881 they amounted to about $4,500. IN that year the society donated $300 to aid the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville railroad and paid $2,242 in premiums. The next year the receipts dropped to $3,500. In 1883 and 1884 the receipts were something over $4,000. For the next few years, owing to increased cost of attractions, improvements and other expenses, the expenditures exceeded the receipts. This society is incorporated under the laws of Indiana and is one of the substantial agricultural societies of the State and owns the fair grounds property at New Harmony which consist of about twenty-four acres, with all modern equipment for exhibition purposes.
The annual fair held by the association is an event that has proved of great value to the agriculturalist from ad educational standpoint and the association distributes about $3,500 annually in premiums, which has proven very effective as a stimulus to competitive exhibitors. The institution has always been under capable management and is on a sound financial basis.