Oak Glen United Reformed Church
Our mission is to glorify God in Bible-centered, heartfelt public worship on the Lord’s Day. Our mission is to know the truth through regular Bible-study for all members. Our mission is to serve God’s Kingdom better through Christ-centered education for our children. Our mission is to witness God in compassionate contact with our neighbors.
Our faith is centered upon Jesus Christ Who is the Only and Entire Way to God our Father. Our Faith is planted by the Holy Spirit into hearts that are spiritually dead because of sin. Our faith is built upon the Bible which does not make mistakes and which has final say in everything. Our faith is summarized in the writings of the Reformation which we call the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dordt. Our faith is proved by a lifestyle that must be shaped by what God wants us to be and do.
Our leadership is under the direction of Jesus Christ the Owner and Head of The United Reformed Church. Our leadership is composed of the Minister and Elders who supervise the members’ life and doctrine. Our leadership is composed of Deacons who lead the members to use their gifts for the common good.