5-O 5K Donut Run/Walk
Saturday, July 27, 2024 at 07:30am
Collinsville Police Department
200 West Clay Street,
Anyone can do a 5K, but can you do a 5K while eating donuts? This race will test your running abilites as well as your capability to consume donuts. There will be three donut stations along the route where runners will be given a chance to eat one donut at each one. For each donut eaten there will be one minute deducted from the runner's overall time. Runners will have to decide if eating the delicious donut is worth the time deduction. Eating donuts is not mandatory, but could be motivation to finish the race. The race will start and end next to the Collisville Police Department. Costumes and donut eating are encouraged, but are not mandatory.
All proceeds will go to beneifiting Special Olympics Illinois
Timing done by Toolen's Running Start
Trophies will be given to the top Female and Male runner. Medals will be given to the top three participants in each age category for female and male.
Event Schedule:
Registration and Packet Pick-Up Begins: 6:00AM
(Bring a Photo ID and your registration sheet or confirmation paperwork)
5K Run/Walk Begins: 7:30AM
Race Registrations Received by July 12 at noon will receive a race T-Shirt
Race Registrations After July 12 at noon will NOT receive a race T-Shirt
3 Donut and water stations along the route.
Click Here For Registration: