Malad Valley Welsh Festival
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Malad Valley Welsh Festival
Malad City Park
31 North 100 West
The 18th annual Malad Valley Welsh Festival will be held at the Malad City Park at the 2nd/4th/5th, LDS Ward building located at 20 S. 100 W. Experts on Welsh history will present workshops and give individual consultations both days. Dancing, singing, music, and other cultural events are scheduled. Pioneer games, heritage crafts and food booths, a community lunch on Friday, and community breakfast on Saturday are all part of the events planned. Tours of Malad’s historic sites will be offered throughout the two days, as well as tours of Samaria, Idaho, and the Osmond cabin. Sunday will feature a Fireside at the Malad Second Ward Tabernacle by Bob Crowther.