Laura Days Celebration
Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 10:00am
Laura Days Celebration
Various Venue in Decorah
Come join us for this fun - filled weekend
10:00 - 4:00 - Tours of the Masters Hotel every half hour (will be closed for the parade 12 - 12:30).
The last tour of the day begins at 4:00. Admission charged. Register at the Visitor’s Center.
10:00 - 5:00 - Gift Shop and Visitor’s Center open
10:00 - Food tent opens - serving brats, hot dogs, walking tacos, pie, drinks, and more
10:00 - 11:45 - Children’s pioneer games, crafts, activities at in the park and schoolhouse
12:00 - Parade down 236th Avenue, north to south
12:30 - 3:30 - Children’s pioneer games, crafts, activities at in the park and schoolhouse
1:00 - “Packing Up”. Look in on Laura Ingalls Wilder as she is packing up to move to Missouri. Each
artifact in the old chest holds a story. Presented by Sarah Uthoff at entertainment tent
1:45 - Pie Auction followed by Announcements and Recognitions - 2024 Little Miss Laura and
Young Almanzo, coloring contest winner at entertainment tent
3:00 - Bean bag Tournament Register any time before 2:45. $30 per team at Barney’s Bar & Grill
7:00 - Entertainment by Joe Cody Band at Barney’s Bar &