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Iowa Beef Expo

Friday, February 14, 2025 at 10:30am

Iowa Beef Expo

Iowa State Fairgrounds

3000 East Grand Avenue

Des Moines, IA, 50301




6:45 a.m: Check-In IJBBA Brd. Cattle Pavilion
7:00 a.m - 10:00 a.m: Check-In of Junior Cattle Pavilion
9:00 a.m: Scholarship Interviews
10:30 a.m: Sullivan Stock Show U Fitting ClinicPennigroth
11:00 a.m: Sunglo No-Fit Showmanship Jacobson
2:00 p.m: Sullivan Supply Fitting Contest Pavilion
5:00 p.m: Supreme Row Drive Jacobson
5:00 p.m: Sale Heifer Futurity Jacobson
6:00 p.m: IJBBA Year End Awards Jacobson

Iowa Beef Expo is not affiliated with AmericanTowns Media
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