Savannah Black Heritage Festival
Tuesday, February 04, 2025 from 06:00pm to 07:30pm
Savannah Black Heritage Festival
Senior Citizens
3025 Bull Street
This year is a celebration that continuously inspires, ignites, and acknowledges the heritage and culture of African-Americans. Join the Savannah Black Heritage Festival in celebrating a rich culture, an unforgettable heritage and its relentless people.
Schedule Of Events
6:00 PM-7:30 PM - Who's Reading Banned Books...And Why
Who’s Reading Banned Books…And Why? Books have been banned for centuries, and U.S. states and school systems have recently stepped up the mandate to remove books from libraries and school curricula. Local personalities share their reasons for choosing a banned book and read excerpts from some of their favorites at The Learning Center (3025 Bull Street; use Jasper Street entrance). Presented by The Learning Center and the Savannah Yamacraw Branch of the Association for the Study of African American History (ASALH). For more information visit