Christopher Monica Memorial 5K and Fun Run
Saturday, February 01, 2025 at 11:30am
Central State Hospital Pecan Grove
620 Broad Street
Sergeant Monica served with the Georgia Department of Corrections for eight years before being brutally attacked and killed by two inmates in Putnam County Georgia. February 4 is Sergeant Monica's birthday. Come and celebrate his life by running and supporting this 5K. All proceeds go towards a scholarship to fund a student at Georgia College Early College.
11:00AM - Race Day Registration and Packet Pickup in the Pecan Grove
11:30AM - 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk
12 Noon - 5K Memorial Run/Walk
1:00PM - Awards
Course Info:
The 5K course runs entirely inside the Central Hospital Campus on paved roads.
Click here for Course Map
Awards will be presented to: Overall Male/Female, Masters Male/Female and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Male and Female in standard
5-year age groups.
Click here to Register